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In 1920, the original Ladies Auxiliary of the Silverdale Volunteer Fire Company was organized, and it remained a very active group until 1934. Those were the days before the modern kitchen. The neighboring farmers donated the chicken, potatoes, milk, and various other foods, and the Ladies Auxiliary, assisted by many of the townspeople, cooked and served suppers to as many as 1,100 patrons in the late afternoons and evenings. Most of the cooking was done on oil stoves in the rear of what is now the dining room.
  • In 1934, when they disbanded, they had financially aided the Fire Company to the tune of $21,500.00.
  • The first Ladies Auxiliary President was Mrs. William Wismar.
  • The first by-laws were approved March 15, 1927. Luella Anglemoyer, Anna Freed, and Edna Treffinger served as the By-Laws Committee.
  • Ida Detwiler was President and Ann Reiff was Secretary.
  • In July of 1939, the Fire Company called a special meeting to again organize a Ladies Auxiliary. The Fire Company President appointed Mrs. Luther Yost, Mrs. Herman Gerstlauer, and Mrs. Robert Detweiler to take steps toward reorganization.
  • The first regular meeting was held on August 8, 1939, and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Robert F. Detweiler; Vice President, Mrs. Herman Gerstlauer; Secretary, Mrs. James Nase; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Haenn; Treasurer, Mrs Stanley Smith; and Financial Secretary, Mrs. Frank Benner.
Over the years, the Ladies Auxiliary has sponsored ham dinners, card parties, rummage sales, and other activities to raise monies for purchasing kitchen and dining hall equipment, as well as making an annual donation to the Fire Company.